Po včerajšnji dopoldanski suvereni zmagi, so se morali naši golbalisti v popoldanski tekmi proti Nemčiji slednji žal ukloniti s 5:8.

Trener slovenske ekipe Erlend More komentira:

“V prvi tekmo smo igrali res dobro in smo zasluženo premagali ekipo Litve, ki je, vsaj po rezultatih v zadnjih štirih letih, najboljša na svetu. Od začetka so se fantje držali taktičnega načrta in skozi celo tekmo kontrolirali rezultat. V določenem trenutku so se nam litvanci približali na dva gola zaostanka, a smo ostali mirni in tekmo zanesljivo pripeljali do zelenega konca. V drugi tekmo proti Nemčiji pa je bila slika ravno obratna. Brez discipline v napadu ter z nerazumljivo nervozo v obrambi smo v prvem polčasu nekako držali izenačen rezultat. V drugem polčasu pa so nas domačini, tudi s pomočjo sodnikov, nadigrali in zasluženo zmagali. Tako slabo svojih fantov, odkar jih vodim, nisem videl igrati. Po tekmi smo naredili temeljito analizo in jutri štartamo v nov dan z jasnim opozorilom, kaj se nam lahko zgodi v vsaki tekmi, če se ne držimo dogovora.”


PR sporočilo organizatorjev:

Day one offered up some classic goalball entertainment, and the second day is promising to do much the same.

Yesterday, in the men’s competition, the “young bucks” from Spain gave current champions Lithuania (one of the best sides in the world right now) a major fright, with Lithuania pulling out two goals in the dying seconds to win. It must have been a strange feeling for Lithuania, who were on the receiving end of such a hard defeat in last year’s Paralympic final, and the ritual handshakes at the end of the game looked more like “we’ve been there… we feel for you” hugs!

The men of Belgium claimed two victories out of two yesterday, defeating Hungary in the morning, but having a much tougher task in the afternoon against Denmark. The Danes took an early two goal lead, but a goal just before half time gave Belgium hope, and eventually they wore down the Vikings, squeaking home with a 3-2 victory.

Denmark, earlier in the day, had earned a point with a 4-4 scoreline against the young Spanish side.

Slovenia, another of the teams fancied to go all the way, showed exactly why in their first game, defeating Lithuania by 6 -3, and looking good while doing it. Later on in the day though, they fell foul of the host nation, with Germany wiping away the memories of the morning’s 11 – 3 collapse against Sweden with an 8-5 victory to the delight of the home crowd.

Sweden continued that morning form into the afternoon, defeating the winless Hungary by 10 – 5


Sweden 6 POINTS

Belgium 6 POINTS

Lithuania 3 POINTS

Slovenia 3 POINTS

Germany 3 POINTS

Denmark 1 POINTS

Spain 1 POINTS

Hungary 0 POINTS


In the ladies tournament, Group A saw the champions Finalnd off to a flying start, beating the plucky Israeli side by a 4-1 margin, following that up in the afternoonwith a 10-3 win over Great Britain.

GB had a better mornign of it though, defeating the Spanish ladies by 7 goals to 2, and after day one they sit in second place, in front of Germany, the only other team to pick up points yesterday, a 6-3 victory over Turkey in each side’s only game.

In group B, Greece top the table, with two wins from two games. In the morning they beat the Ukraine 2-0, and in the afternoon were involved in a real dust up with Denmark. The depleted squad of the Danish paralympic semi-finalists had also won in the morning (the day’s only mercy blowout victory against Russia by 13 – 3), but could not repeat the feat against Greece, going down 4-3 in a game that swung backwards and forwards the whole game.

The ladies of Sweden had the day off today, and are expected to challenge for the top three places from the group when their games start today.


Finland 6 POINTS

Great Britain 3 POINTS

Germany 3 POINTS

Israel 0 POINTS

Spain 0 POINTS

Turkey 0 POINTS



Greece 6 POINTS

Denmark 3 POINTS

Russia 0 POINTS

Ukraine 0 POINTS

Sweden 0 POINTS


Come along and joins us for day two!
