Objavljamo povabilo Belgijske organizacije za šport invalidov na SURFWEEK:

Recreas is a Belgian sportsorganisation for people with a disability. Every year (this year from 25th of august until 31st of August) we organize the European surfweek for people with a motorical and/or sensorial handicap. The event takes place in BLOSO-sportscentre “Hazewinkel” in Willebroek, Belgium.


The meaning of the week is to teach the contestants a little surfing. We will surf for 5 hours a day (from Monday to Thursday) and on Friday a surfcontest will be held. Every contestant will have their own companion at his disposal who will help him during the entire week (surfing, activities in the evening and if necessary eating, washing, clothing,…).


The participation cost is set at €450. You can also participate the European surfweek almost for free!We have an agreement with the Belgian government that we can invite 1 participant from each country, except Belgium, for €100 (*).
This signifies that you don’t have to pay the contribution of €450 as mentioned above, resulting in a very cheap stay in Belgium (traveling costs not included).

If you are interested to participate or if you know someone who would, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
The available places are limited, so it is in your best convenience to react a.s.a.p.

For more information, consult our folder or our website.

(*) Total of foreign contestants is limited to 15.

Wiet De Boodt
Sporttechnisch medewerker
Sint-Jansstraat 32-38 1000 Brussel
Tel : 02 515 04 15 Fax : 02 515 02 37