
Bank details

Naziv prejemnika / Beneficiary: ZŠIS-POK CESTA 24. JUNIJA 23, 1231 LJUBLJANA – ČRNUČE Št. računa / Account nr.: SI56 0510 0800 0024 242 Banka / Bank details: ABANKA VIPA d.d. Ljubljana SLOVENSKA CESTA 58, 1000 LJUBLJANA BIC (SWIFT): ABANSI2X IBAN: SI56 0510 0800 0024 242

Bank details2015-10-28T14:47:47+01:00

General information and First entry forms

SLO: Zveza za šport invalidov Slovenije - Paraolimpijski komite v letu 2012 organizira 13. Evropsko prvenstvo v kegljanju za slepe in slabovidne (nine pin bowling). Prvenstvo bo potekalo od 29. maja do 3. junija 2012 na kegljišču Golovec v Celju. Na prvenstvu bodo poleg odličnih domačih tekmovalcev nastopili tudi najboljši tekmovalci iz Evrope. Spanje za [...]

General information and First entry forms2012-01-24T12:57:57+01:00

Odlična igra Primoža Kanclerja

Današnji dopoldanski nastopi v nadaljevanju ekipnih tekmovanj po skupinah so se za Slovence pričeli dokaj uspešno. Primož Kancler je v kategoriji 3 skupaj z Rusom Aleksejem Korovinom zabeležil zmago s 3:0 proti ekipi iz Italije.. Z rezultatom 3:0 sta zmagali tudi Mateja Pintar in Andreja Dolinar v srečanju s slovensko-francoskim parom Barbara Meglič, Monique Sirgand. [...]

Odlična igra Primoža Kanclerja2015-10-30T10:47:45+01:00

Invitation to the chess tournament

  Dear Chess Friends,   It is our pleasure to invite you, on behalf of National Paralympic Committee of Slovenia and Union of Blind and Partially Sighted of Slovenia, to 9th INTERNATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT FOR THE BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED - IZOLA 2011. Tournament will take place in Izola from June 12 to June 20 [...]

Invitation to the chess tournament2015-10-30T10:49:54+01:00

General Information – 7th Slovenia Open

NPC SLOVENIA is proud to anounce that 7th Slovenia Open, almost traditional open championships in table tennis for the disabled, will take place also in 2010 in beutiful city Laško. Arrival date is 4th of May.Days between 5th and 8th will be dedicated to competition.9th of May is departure date, but Slovenia will be more [...]

General Information – 7th Slovenia Open2021-05-13T01:02:28+02:00

Paralympic Team Slovenia


Paralympic Team Slovenia2021-05-13T01:02:34+02:00

Athletes, good luck at the Paralympics in Beijing!

Surely every athlete who starts taking up sports aims to participate in the Olympic Games. The largest sports event in the world, taking place every 4 years, can turn into a great joy as well as into great sadness. All the above applies also to the disabled athletes.In the last few years (or in the [...]

Athletes, good luck at the Paralympics in Beijing!2008-07-01T00:00:00+02:00


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